Chess Knight (Problem) Game
The game "Chess Horse (Challenge)" is based on chess, but has only one piece - the knight. We already know that the knight walks with the letter G on 3 squares in different directions. The knight gets on the playing field and can walk on it in any direction. Your task is to walk so that the horse visited all cells of the field and left there their footprints in the form of a horseshoe. Make it not very easy, because there are some conditions. You can only step once per cell and fill all the cells to one, otherwise the game does not win.
How to play?
The game has 3 variants of the playing field, which differ in size. So, you can play a 5x5, 8x8, 10x10 field. The bigger the field, the harder it is to play. You need to move your knight and calculate all your moves to the very end. Sometimes there are only 1-2 empty spaces, but the knight can't jump on them and the game is lost. Play and figure out the right combination of moves to pass this puzzle and solve the problem.