
The game "Wordocu" is a logical puzzle, which can be solved only by real skillful people. This is an original version of the classic Sudoku, but instead of numbers there are letters. The game has only 3 levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate and advanced. All difficulty levels have the same rules and the same playing field of 9 by 9. In turn, the whole field is divided into blocks 3 by 3. You must fill all the cells of the game board with letters, so that none of them is empty, only so you can complete the game and win!

The game has a lot of settings, among them there is a choice to play without a timer, turning the game to full screen, disabling and enabling hints, help and even instant solution to the whole puzzle. All these settings help to choose the best and most comfortable conditions for the game, customization for yourself.

How to play?

Fill in the empty spaces with letters so that in each row, column or 3 by 3 block there are no identical letters. Choose one of the difficulty modes and start playing. At the very beginning of the game, depending on the difficulty, some letters of the English alphabet will already be placed on the field, such as: A, F, R, O, M, T and others. In each game the letters will be different and they will be randomized. So, look at the already set letters and set other letters in the empty cells, adhering to the rules of the game. The higher the difficulty of the game, the fewer letters will be at the beginning of the game. The initial letters are the main support, because they set the initial arrangement of all the other letters and the correctness of the entire Sudoku letter structure is based on them.

Get ready to play now the online game Wordocu for free and without registration.
Category: Sudoku Games
3.8888888888889 1 1 1 1 1 (9 Votes)
About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for 3.89 out of 5. A total of 9 people voted for it.
  • The game was released in October 2021 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)