Othello with Computer Game

Othello is a two-player (black and white) strategy board game played on an 8x8 board. Do you want to play against the computer? Then go for it! The game starts with the traditional initial formation: four two-color chips, placed in the center of the board, as shown below. The chips are two-color: one side is black, the other is white. The first move is made by the player playing for black.

Black must place a black chip on the board so that there is at least one straight (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) occupied line between the new chip and the other black chip with one or more white chips between them.

After placing the black Chip flips all white Chips lying in a straight line between the new Chip and any existing black Chips. This is followed by White's turn. White operates with the same rules, but with the roles reversed: White places the white chip, forcing the black chips to flip.

How to play?

Players take turns moving. If a player has no opportunity to move (he cannot turn over an opponent's chip), then the turn passes to another player. When none of the players can make a move or the whole field is full, the game ends. The "Othello" game can end even before the board is completely full.

The player with the most chips on the board at the end wins. If the players have the same number of chips by the end of the game, the game is tied.

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Category: Reversi Games
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