Fish Culture

In the depths of the ocean, an unusual story unfolds about a yellow fish striving to survive in a world governed by one simple rule: big fish eat small fish. This game stands out with its unique visual style, where all sea creatures have hilariously nasty facial expressions, adding a special charm and a touch of humor to the adventure.

How to play?

You have just three lives to transform from a tiny fish into a fearsome sea predator. Controlling your yellow fish, your goal is to hunt smaller fish, growing in size with every meal. While the ocean may call for "civilized" swimming, survival demands you unleash your inner predator. Choose your targets wisely and avoid larger ocean creatures at all costs—collisions with them will cost you one of your precious lives. Your success is measured by the points you score, which not only set your record but also determine the size and power of your fish. Keep hunting, grow stronger, and climb your way to the top of the food chain to become the largest and most formidable creature in this quirky underwater world. Can you dominate the ocean? Dive in and find out!

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About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for out of 5. A total of people voted for it.
  • The game was released in January 2025 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)