Fish Eat Fish 4

"Fish Eat Fish 4" is the fourth installment in the beloved arcade series, offering both a single-player mode and an exciting two-player competitive experience. In this installment, yellow and red fish battle for survival in the vast ocean, with a leaderboard system that motivates players to constantly improve their performance. The red player’s score is displayed on the right, while the yellow player’s score is on the left, adding an extra layer of competition.

How to play?

The game thrives on a clever balance: the more fish your character eats, the larger it becomes. While growing larger unlocks new opportunities to devour bigger prey, it also introduces additional challenges. In two-player mode, one player controls the yellow fish, and the other controls the redfish. The core gameplay remains simple: eat smaller fish to grow while avoiding larger, more dangerous fish. Each successful meal increases your fish’s size, requiring you to adapt your strategy as your prey options and maneuverability evolve. Compete to score the most points, climb the leaderboard, and prove your superiority to your opponent! Prefer a more relaxed experience? Switch to single-player mode and grow your fish to its largest size at your own pace, free from competition. Whether you’re challenging a friend or exploring the ocean solo, Fish Eat Fish 4 promises endless fun and strategy. Dive in, grow your fish, and dominate the ocean. Good luck!

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1 1 1 1 1 (0 Votes)
  • Player 1:
  • - movement
  • Player 2:
  • - movement
About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for out of 5. A total of people voted for it.
  • The game was released in January 2025 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)