Yuyu Hakusho Wars

Step into your favorite anime worlds with Yuyu Hakusho Wars! Get ready for fantastic epic storylines in this game! In the game "Yuyu Hakusho Wars", you will be able to plunge into the unknown world of struggle between humans, demons and otherworldly forces. To start the game, you must choose one of two characters: Yusuke, the detective of the world of the dead, or Genkai, an elderly martial arts master. But there are three more characters that you will have to unlock during the game. These are three very interesting characters: the two demons Kurama and Hiei, as well as Yusuke's eternal rival Kazuma Kuwabara. Each of them, the owner of incredible strength and power. You will face nine levels dotted with a huge number of enemies. Destroy them and pick up the bonuses that remain after them. Thanks to the bonuses, you will be able to use special skills of your hero, or replenish your health level. Enjoy the game!

Get ready to play now the online game Yuyu Hakusho Wars for free and without registration.
Category: Anime Games
4.2448979591837 1 1 1 1 1 (294 Votes)
  • Player 1:
  • - movements
  • - hit / sit down and pick up power-ups
  • - jump
  • - hand-to-hand combat
  • twice - jerk
  • Player 2:
  • - movements
  • - strike
  • - jump
  • - super power
  • - jerk
About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for 4.24 out of 5. A total of 294 people voted for it.
  • The game was released in January 2015 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)