Run, Chibik, Run

Step into your favorite anime worlds with Run, Chibik, Run! Get ready for fantastic epic storylines in this game! The game "Run, Chibik, Run" - a bright and funny arcade. your character will be a boy - chibik. A very colorful chibik, I want to tell you. A boy with blue hair, quite a big gun and in a cool long coat. But later you will open three more, no less colorful, characters: two girls and a boy. In the game, you will be running very fast. Chibik will run automatically, and you will help the baby to bypass obstacles. But the main thing is that you need to collect as many gold coins and various cool things to earn points and open a new chibiki. After all, in time, you will want to play a new character. Enjoy the game!

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Category: Anime Games
4.4163424124514 1 1 1 1 1 (257 Votes)
  • - movements
About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for 4.42 out of 5. A total of 257 people voted for it.
  • The game was released in January 2015 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)