Judy's Romantic Date Game
Judy Hopps is going to have a fantastic evening tonight. She's been asked out on a date by cute Nick Wilde. Despite his petty criminal past Judy could not resist the charm of the fox and agreed. Both are looking forward to the evening with anticipation and a little dread. After all, one wants to look as good as possible. In the game "Zveropolis: Judy's Romantic Date", you will help the sweet couple to prepare for the meeting. The first thing we'll do is dress the beau. It's always easier with them. Next, you'll take on the demure beauty Judy. At your disposal will be everything that only the soul desires: outerwear, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses, T-shirts, T-shirts, jeans, shorts, pants, stylish shoes and accessories. And don't forget to give Nick some flowers for the lady. Enjoy the game!