Zootopia Job Slacking Game
Judy Hopps is one of the most responsible police officers in Zveropolis. But even such perfect police officers need a little rest. In the game "Zootopia Job Slacking", you will show Judy how to relax and have fun even in the workplace. First you have to look around and make sure that Mr. Buivolson is not around. While the bosses are away, you can eat a couple of donuts, pour coffee for the employees, print personal papers on the work printer, turn off the lights and look for carrots with a flashlight. Also, you can dress up Judy for a walk and build a poster to find a criminal. In short, you can have fun as you like, as long as you do not get caught on the hot Mr. Buffywolson. Good luck!
Here you can find the online game Zootopia Job Slacking, you can play it for free and right now.