Toca Boca: Build a 5 Star Hotel

How to play?

Explore open-ended play in the whimsical world of Toca Boca: Build a 5 Star Hotel! Get ready for amazing open-ended play in this game! In front of you will be a superb bright room with large windows and elegant wall wallpaper. You should arrange the furniture here so that guests can stay here and enjoy the beautiful interior. Divide the room into zones and set up a separate room in each. In addition to furniture, there will be accessories for cute decor elements. That will give each room a cozy and unique atmosphere. In total, there are three floors in the building. And that means it's time to move on. Enjoy the game and good luck!

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Category: Toca Boca Games
3.8870967741935 1 1 1 1 1 (558 Votes)
About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for 3.89 out of 5. A total of 558 people voted for it.
  • The game was released in February 2024 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)