Timocha's Sounds
"Timocha's Sounds" is an entertaining mini-game based on the character from the popular cartoon series "Barboskins"! Here you will have the opportunity to listen to various unique quotes of funny Timocha and his friends. Immerse yourself in the world of funny audio replicas, where you can have fun in your free time, remembering funny moments from "Barboskins".
How to play?
Use the mouse to interact with the objects on the screen. The gameplay is simple and intuitive. Click on the icons to find out what interesting things Timokha will say this time. It can be one of Timokha's funny phrases or an unexpected sound associated with this character. This game will allow you to relax and have fun in the company of friends, especially if you organize a small competition. For example: who of you will quickly guess in which series or scene of the cartoon met this sound? As you progress, you'll be able to discover a whole collection of iconic phrases recognized by fans of the animated series. Thanks to its simple controls and accessible interface, the game is suitable for all ages - from toddlers to adults who want to remember moments from their favorite cartoon.
- - interaction
- Our players rated the game for 4.30 out of 5. A total of 918 people voted for it.
- The game was released in June 2015 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)