Combine Dino Robot 57 Magma Spino

Stomp and chomp as a mechanical T-Rex in Combine Dino Robot 57 Magma Spino! Get ready for extraordinary time travel elements in this game! Welcome to the dinosaur robot arena. Today you will become the proud owner of a metal twin of the prehistoric magma spinosaurus. This giant has the strength of ten hungry predators and incredible endurance. Being the owner of such a robot dinosaur is not only honorable, but also very difficult, because you need to have great fortitude and courage to control this deadly machine. In the game "Combine Dino Robot 57 Magma Spino", you will fold the robot down to the smallest detail with your own hands. When all the component parts will be taken out of the box start assembling. Be very careful, because all the parts will only function in their places. After successful assembly you will need to wake up the magma spinosaurus and help him escape from the volcano vent. This small training will prepare you for the upcoming battle with opponents. Good luck!

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About the game:
  • Our players rated the game for 4.31 out of 5. A total of 4464 people voted for it.
  • The game was released in May 2017 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)