Lazy Thief
Become the master thief in the stealthy world of Lazy Thief! Get ready for incredible loot collection in this game! No one wants to spend his life humping on hard work and constantly save money for a vacation or a new purchase. Everyone wants easy money and simple and unburdensome work. In the game "Lazy Thief", you will meet one of such lovers of a beautiful life and easy profit. The little thief will sneak into the building, where the exhibition of precious stones is being prepared. Each of them is worth a fortune and in a few minutes it will all belong to only one person. You will be with this lazy man at the same time. You need to help the thief to steal all the jewels and not be caught. In this game you will come to the aid of logic and intelligence. You need to think hard and figure out how to throw the right stone to hit the target. Stones of the same color must get on the platform with the same color. If they don't, you will have to go through the whole level again. At your disposal will be three kinds of balls, each of which has its own special characteristics. Enjoy the game!
- - aim / shoot
- Our players rated the game for 3.21 out of 5. A total of 6891 people voted for it.
- The game was released in March 2016 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)