X Trial Racing 2: Mountain Adventure
"X Trial Racing 2: Mountain Adventure" is a challenging physics-based motocross simulator and a sequel to the original X-Trial Racing. The game features 12 unique motorcycles, each with distinct physical characteristics, which can be purchased with stars. The cost of the motorcycles ranges from 3 to 16 stars, with the total cost of the entire collection being 90 stars. Available models include Lightning (the starter bike), Gum Pop, Blizzard, Pizza Boy, Panther, Off-Road, Mark 3, Commando, Hot Fuzz, Sale, Vengeance, and the most expensive, Hell Rider.
How to play?
The game offers 30 sequentially unlockable levels, each with its own unique challenge. You can earn up to three stars per level, depending on how quickly you complete the track, with roughly a one-second difference between the time limits for earning stars. Your progress, including completed levels, rankings, and purchased motorcycles, is automatically saved in the browser.
Controls are as follows: use the arrow keys to accelerate (up), brake (down), and turn (left and right). Success depends on controlling the angle of your motorcycle during landings and navigating obstacles—ensure the wheels touch the surface first to avoid crashing. Some levels feature alternate paths and shortcuts that can be discovered through experimentation. The game also includes an achievement system that rewards you for completing levels, collecting stars, and purchasing motorcycles.
- Our players rated the game for out of 5. A total of people voted for it.
- The game was released in December 2024 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)