Moto Robots: Steel Trial
"Moto Robots: Steel Trial" is a three-dimensional futuristic motorcycle racing simulator, where you take on the role of a robot repairman turned professional racer. The game unfolds across diverse locations, from bustling cyber cities and endless deserts to vast oceans, mountain peaks, and high-altitude clouds. With a selection of 5 different motorcycles and 4 types of weapons, you also have the ability to deeply customize the appearance of your robot racer. A standout feature of the game is the ability to switch to a first-person view, which adds an extra layer of immersion to the racing experience.
How to play?
As you progress through the game, you’ll face a variety of obstacles and engage in intense battles with unique bosses. You’ll use your weapons and motorcycle control skills to overcome each challenge. There are 80 unique levels in total, which can be completed one-by-one.
Coins and boosters are scattered throughout the tracks, and collecting them is essential to unlocking new content in the in-game store. You can unlock additional motorcycles, weapons, and customization options for your robot. Smart management of your resources and a careful selection of upgrades are key to successful progression through the game. The high-quality 3D graphics and challenging levels create an exhilarating atmosphere, where every race requires maximum concentration and skill. Good luck, and may the fastest robot win!
- or - control
- - camera view change
- - shoot
- - use boosts
- - pause / menu
- Our players rated the game for out of 5. A total of people voted for it.
- The game was released in December 2024 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC)