Regular Show: Friendship
Engage in fun learning experiences perfect for 7-year-olds in Regular Show: Friendship! Get ready for fantastic problem-solving in this game! Mordecai and Rigby decided to walk in the woods and guess who got lost? Of course, naughty Rigby. Now Mordecai has to find his negligent friend. In the end, it turned out that he not only got lost, but also managed to get captured by monsters. In the game "Regular Show: Friendship", you need to free Rigby at the end of each level. Along the way, collect different goodies. They will bring you bonus points. A bottle of Coca-Cola - 100, a hamburger - 200, and a cake - 300 points. But on each level, you will be waiting for different monsters. Shoot them with snowballs, but remember that your charge is not infinite. If you see a snowball, then immediately grab it. And remember that time is limited and you need to watch the timer in the upper block of the playing field. Enjoy the game!
- Arrow keys.
- Spacebar - shoot.
- Our players rated the game for 3.89 out of 5. A total of 111 people voted for it.
- The game was released in January 2015 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC) and Android / iOS (Mobile)