Inside Out: Joy Tooth Problem Game

Going to the dentist is what can ruin your mood. Today it's time for you to see what happens if you don't brush your teeth and eat a lot of sweets. So grab all the tools you need and get to work. Today your patient will be a very famous person, namely - the emotion Joy, which lives in Riley's head since his first birthday. She's a very wind-up person who loves to eat cakes and dance till she drops. But such a fun life has led her to a visit to the dentist. Joy has very bad teeth, some of which you'll have to remove. So hurry up and get to treatment. You'll find all the tools you need on the left and right sides. Take them one by one and fix all the problems in the mouth of the cute and cheerful Joy. Good luck!

Here you can find the online game Inside Out: Joy Tooth Problem, you can play it for free and right now.
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