The Malevolent Mansion of Evil
How to play?
Face your fears in the spine-chilling world of The Malevolent Mansion of Evil! Get ready for amazing jump scares in this game! You can't get into the house through the front door. Therefore, you will have to find loopholes and find your way out. Look around the small area in front of the building and get the key from the guard house. Now, you can open the back gate and go to the back entrance. It will turn out to be flooded, and the officer will wade in. And from this second, the first dangers will begin to appear. Here, you will meet nightmarish amphibians, and further on, giant werewolves and zombies of all colors will attack you. Once inside the building, you must find some key cards to open the passage to the secret laboratory. The officer will fight the nightmarish mutant and free the missing people.
- - overview
- / - move
- - shoot
- - aim
- - take up arms
- - run
- - reload
- // - change the weapon
- - melee
- / - pause
- Our players rated the game for 4.19 out of 5. A total of 227 people voted for it.
- The game was released in March 2024 and immediately became available on the following devices: Web Browser (PC)