Avatar: The Legend Of Aang | Gameboy Advance

"Avatar: The Legend of Aang" is a cool adventure game that tells the story of Aang. There are 4 tribes in this world: Water, Fire, Air and Earth. Aang comes from the Air tribe. It soon transpires that our hero has been given a gift. Not everyone is destined to be born an Avatar and command all the elements to keep the balance between the tribes. Before Aang was born, the Fire Nation decided that it should be the dominant one. 100 years before current events, Fire Nation ruler Sozin decides to wage war against the other nations. But he knew that Avatar Roku would prevent him. So he waited until he was dead to begin making the evil plan a reality. Rather after that, Aang was born. As he grew older and learned of the mission entrusted to him, he was greatly frightened. Running away from the Temple of the Greenhouse, unable to cope with his powers, he froze himself in a balloon for 100 years. Knowing that the next Elemental Lord must be born in the Air tribe, Sozin exterminated all Air mages and continued his quest. It's a pretty big and interesting story. Let's keep it short and join the exciting journey!

How to play?

Begin the adventure, which will be full of different characters. Your first friends will be Assoka and Katara. Then you will meet an enemy named Zuko. Your task is to visit all the tribes to learn all the elements and stop the mages of Fire. Help our hero to cope with the tasks entrusted to him. Of weapons you will only have a stick and magic. But in the first levels you have the opportunity to possess only the power of air. Gradually passing chapters, the arsenal of skills will increase. Good luck!

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