Youda Survivor Game

It's so beautiful in the summer! The sun is shining, the sea waves stir the soul and the mood is simply magical. At this magnificent time, our hero went on a sea cruise. Everything was just fine, until the storm began. During the storm, the guy was washed overboard. He regained consciousness only a few hours later, when he found himself on the shore of an unknown island. After a couple - three hours the young man decided not to despair and try to survive even at this end of the world. Are you ready to help him? Then, go ahead! In the game "Youda Survivor" you are waiting for a colorful world of a green island. To survive you need to eat, and to eat you need to hunt. And that's exactly what we're going to do. Now we need to lure the birds that lay eggs. To do this, dig a hole and the bird will come to drink. When it quenches its thirst, it will lay an egg. Later you can prepare potions from them or just cook them in the egg cooker. The main thing here is your imagination and ingenuity. Sometimes you will be disturbed by pirates. But if you watch your health, you will be able to get rid of them. Enjoy the game!

Here you can find the online game Youda Survivor, you can play it for free and right now.
Category: Fine Games
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