Dora's Magical Garden Game

Dora's Magical Garden is presented to you in all its glory, where you will grow flowers in pots! You will literally have to revive Dasha's garden! Since other than pots with soil - there is nothing else! You can grow all the same flowers in pots, and you can grow different ones, which will look very nice in Dasha's garden! You'll have to start with a small seed, the varieties of which you can browse through in Dasha's garden flower magazine. Dasha has been collecting grains of different kinds of flowers since she was a little girl, so that one day Dasha's garden will become magical - which is what you will do today! Don't forget to put the seeds in a pot, water it and fertilise it with a special product.

Here you can find the online game Dora's Magical Garden, you can play it for free and right now.
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